Static simulation of chemical processes using the UniSim Design simulator | Editura Matrix Rom

Static simulation of chemical processes using the UniSim Design simulator

Universitatea de Petrol și Gaze din Ploiești
ISBN: 978-606-25-0612-4
Limba: Română
Suport: Hârtie
59,00 lei
The paper is aimed at students and chemical and automatist engineers who want to specialise in the modelling and simulation of processes and installations with an extension in the field of adjustment systems associated with these processes. The purpose of the book is to teach the reader to design a simulation program for a chemical process based on the formulation of the problem and using the simulator resources Unisim Design.
The work is structured in 10 chapters, each chapter being dedicated to a chemical process or chemical plant. Chapters are developed gradually, starting from the introductory elements, the liquid-vapor balance in different chemical systems and end with the modelling and simulation of chemical processes.