The application is provided with a base of quotation norms with up-to-date prices for the most frequent works encountered by insurers, but there is also the possibility for the user to add additional norms depending on the needs.
We provide quarterly price updates to the quote rules.
Based on the estimate norms and the related quantities agreed by the insurer, the application generates the estimate of the damage with breakdown by components (material, labor, equipment, transport), followed by other direct expenses (Auxiliary works, Wage Guarantee Fund) and indirect expenses.
The license is provided on DVD and installed on the user's computer.
Minimum DVD installation requirements:
- operating system: Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8, 10;
- hard disk (free space): minimum 500 MB;
- optical drive: DVD-ROM;
- Additional programs: Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft SQL Express Edition
This software has a support period of 6 months.