 Matrix Deviz | Editura Matrix Rom

 Matrix Deviz

Suport: DVD
The most complete software product on the profile market in Romania destined for the elaboration of the technical-economic execution documentation, the realization of the offer documentation and the follow-up of the works through works situations and estimate extracts.
890,00 lei
This program is addressed to all designers, builders, investors and beneficiaries.
Version 5 of the Matrix Deviz product is available.
Matrix Deviz allows:
- elaboration of the execution documentation:
- synthetic estimate
- analytical estimate according to P91 / 2002
- estimate per object
- price analysis
- resource extracts
- obtaining the annexes according to order 863/2008
- Annex F1
- Annex F2
- Annex F3
- obtaining the annexes according to order 1014/874/2001 for public procurements
- Annex C2
- Annex C3
- Annex C4
- Annex C5
- Annexes C6 to C9
- follow-up of works
- work situations
- quotation statements
- technical consumption
Matrix Deviz uses all the indicators of estimate norms series 1981 and the indicative norms of resource consumption on quotation articles elaborated in the period 1992 - 1996.
With Matrix Deviz you can create your own estimate rules, communicate and update the prices of materials, labor and machinery, search for estimate items by words from their name, set the recap summary, calculate the quantity of the estimate item by pre-measurement. If you already have a quote or a quote item, you can make a quote or quote item similar to the existing one.
The first version of the Matrix Deviz program was operational in 1996 and so far this product has been purchased by more than 1500 customers.
Starting with version 3 of the Matrix Deviz product, the possibility was created to transmit estimates and chapters of works within an object or an investment to the Matrix Gantt product in order to plan their execution, being able to specify the interdependencies between them and obtaining a suggestive graphic representation. the times and the order of the work, as well as the quantities of materials required in each period.
Main advantages of the Matrix Deviz program:
- solves all the functions necessary for such a program: analytical estimate, price analysis, pre-measurements, estimate extract, estimate by object, form for auctions, work situations, technical consumption of resources, rest to be executed
- the lowest price on the market, without being deprived of any of the necessary functions
- the first program of this type made especially to work in Windows - the others can run under Windows, but in a DOS window - the use of the program does not require a permanent relationship with the computer to periodically obtain access codes
- the installation of the program is done with a very low user intervention
- the use of the program does not require technical knowledge about the computer and / or its special settings, including the printer used to print reports
- made by specialists with the greatest experience in making such products (since 1975), both in terms of the notions they work with, and in terms of the development of computer products
- it is very well ordered and structured, with a simple and clear interface, with clearly highlighted functions, without numerous buttons that scare users, without excessive information that no longer allows the user to follow them, without multiple windows that make it difficult for the user, without functions that confuse the user (investment calculation, object calculation, etc.)
- stability in operation
- complies with the norm P91 / 2002 for the calculation of estimates by categories of works
- works both with '81 quote indicators and with post-1990 quote norms
- it is the program with the most correct use of them
- does not require knowledge of the codes of the estimate articles, as well as of the materials (in general, of any type of resource)
- facilities to complete the database with new materials and estimate rules, including directly in the reports, before printing them
- flexibility in communication and use of resource prices
- facilities for reusing existing estimates in other works
- the recapitulation coefficients are at the free completion of the user
- it is not necessary to purchase a new version if the percentages for CAS, VAT, etc. change.
- during the use the user has a help function (help) - the clients are informed periodically and directly on the new versions of the program
The price update can be done quarterly and the price of the update is 80 lei / quarter.
Minimum requirements for installation on CD:
- operating system: Microsoft Windows 2000, XP (32 bits), 2003, Vista (32 bits), 7 (32 bits), 8 (32 bits), 10 (32 bits);
- hard disk (free space): 50 MB;
- optical drive: CD-ROM;
- monitor resolution: 1024x768;
Minimum requirements for using the program on flash memory:
- operating system: Microsoft Windows 2000, XP (32 bits), 2003, Vista (32 bits), 7 (32 bits), 8 (32 bits), 10 (32 bits);
- monitor resolution: 1024x768;
- USB port;
This software has a limited support period of 6 months. You can purchase Matrix Deviz directly from our headquarters or by postal parcel (with cash on delivery) shipped following a written order or following an online order. 
The application allows the realization of estimates based on the estimate norms from "Technical bulletin of prices for electrical, plumbing, gas, heating, sewerage" and "Technical bulletin of prices in small construction and repairs in constructions" as well as based on the added estimate norms user resources but no resource extracts can be obtained.