The Matrix Construct program includes the technical regulations in force according to the latest official lists established by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration.
The first version of the Matrix Construct program appeared in 2002. Now the updated version 12 is available according to the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration.
All technical regulations in the Matrix Construct program are grouped into categories of works - calculation and design of constructions, embankments, foundations, concrete, masonry, metal constructions, wooden constructions, roofs, insulation, plasters, floors, protection of buildings against agents, quality control and the reception of construction works, roads and bridges, geodesy, fire safety, energy performance of buildings - there is the possibility of access to regulations both by the category of works they are part of, and by their code; outside the complete version of the regulation, the product allows access to a certain chapter / subchapter of the regulation, as well as the search for some key words from the normative. The first version of the Matrix Construct program was operational in 2002 and so far this product has been purchased by more than 600 customers.
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