Marketing integrated into engineering activity | Editura Matrix Rom

Marketing integrated into engineering activity

Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, Universitatea Tehnica de Construcții București
ISBN: 978-606-25-0536-3
Limba: Română
Suport: Hârtie
66,00 lei
Selling cars, tractors, transformers or traks has become an art, for which you need technical staff, but also staff who have marketing skills.
Production lowers the production price, and marketing puts its mark on the sale price, the difference makes it profit. This is how it appeared in the USA, for the first time, the sales engineer, person with general technical training and preparation for sales, contractors, maintenance, etc.
We hope that this course, which has been improving since 1996, will meet the demands of those who want to deal with this profession with tradition and fashion yet.
The paper consists of three parts, the first part is addressed to graduates of the undergraduate courses, the second to those who follow a master's program, and the third is common to the two programs. As knowledge and experience are enriched, the work will develop towards the 4th edition.