In the first part of this book, topics were addressed regarding the current situation regarding the level of radon concentration in homes and types of systems for its remediation. In order to evaluate them experimentally,
the radon concentration level of 1000 homes was measured using passive detectors, of which 100 with high radon concentration values were chosen to make detailed measurements to identify the sources and access routes of radon in the building, and finally, only 10 representative homes where active/passive floor depressurization systems, radon diffusion resistant membranes, centralized mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery, decentralized single flow/double flow mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery were installed heat, as well as some hybrid systems.
The second part of the book is represented by the analysis of the data obtained by continuous measurement of the radon concentration level both before and after the installation of the remedial systems, exposing the efficiency in terms of
remediation of radon and other indoor air parameters. At the end, each house was simulated in a numerical simulation program, to determine the energy impact that the use of a certain type of system can have, compared to the way of applying natural ventilation. This simulation was completed by performing a cost benefit analysis regarding the implementation and use of each system.