This book deals with a series of applications of the most abundant energy source in the universe – the Sun. The energy stored by solar radiation in the form of light and heat has been useful since the beginning of the history of time; without these fundamental forms of energy, life on Earth would not have existed.
The content of the book is mainly addressed to undergraduate, master's and doctoral students, who follow study programs in the field of electrical and energy engineering, but it is, at the same time, a source of useful documentation for engineers and specialists interested in the sector of renewable energy sources and the latest applications related to solar energy conversion.
This book is an essential support both for the Energy Sources and Photovoltaic Systems courses followed by second-year undergraduate students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and first-year master's students of the program Renewable Energy Sources from the Faculty of Energy within the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, as well as for the consolidation of the theoretical basis necessary to complete the applications carried out within the Energy Conversion and Sources Laboratory.