Bubble-free Embedded Architecture for Multithreading. Software approach | Editura Matrix Rom

Bubble-free Embedded Architecture for Multithreading. Software approach

Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti
ISBN: 978-606-25-0743-5
Limba: Engleza
Suport: Hârtie
66,00 lei
The field that Radu Hobincu's book addresses - the optimization of microelectronic computing architectures - is very topical considering the increase in the degree of integration and the requirements related to the decrease of the energy consumed per computing unit. In the field addressed by the author there are still critical problems due to the difficulty of overcoming the problems imposed, mainly by the "memory wall", but also due to software integration problems that limit the effective use of the silicon area. The solutions offered by the author start from the analysis of the development stage of the field, they are effective and original.