The Finite Element Method in engineering is indispensable today. It allows solving an extremely wide range of problems, from structural or fluid flow analyses, to electromagnetism problems, contact problems, complex simulations of collisions or plastic deformations, etc.
This is why, every engineer must know how to use at least one specialized software package on finite element analysis.
The authors considered that a book presenting some examples of engineering problems solved with the help of ANSYS is useful in the Romanian publishing landscape.
The work is addressed both to students from mechanical engineering faculties, but also to specialists or teaching staff.
Our book is not an ANSYS user manual. She insists more on the finer points of analysis. Those who will go through it, either it is assumed that they have some knowledge of using ANSYS, or that, in parallel with its reading, they will acquire the working techniques of the program.
Going through the work must be done patiently, with great attention, with the replay of some passages and, above all, with the computer open. The good news is that any student can download the educational version of ANSYS for free. Although this has limitations regarding the number of elements/nodes, it can be successfully used in educational applications.