Analog electronics in applications | Editura Matrix Rom

Analog electronics in applications

Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava
ISBN: 978-606-25-0736-7
Limba: Română
Suport: Hârtie
85,00 lei
Starting from the philosophical concept of the great Marin PREDA, we can consider that in the 21st century, if there is no love for school, there is nothing. At the same time, we can state with ease, that in our society, practical applications are often seen as great difficulties in the fields of activity of the present in which we live, a present in which society is losing the practice of great virtues.
In this context, the authors propose a book of applications in analog electronics, considering that through circuits and multifunctional electronic systems, electronics tends towards an encyclopedic character, if we think about its applicability in industry , communications, home appliances, education, medicine, military defense, entertainment, etc.
The authors consider analog electronics applications absolutely necessary for any specialist in the technical fields and propose a book that presents, in an accessible manner, basic, up-to-date, but also permanent knowledge valid, approached originally and professionally.
In summary, the authors believe that going through the applications of the book can constitute a consistent and solid foundation of knowledge, a long-term educational investment, necessary for the correct interpretation of the dynamic and complex mechanisms of society ours.