A simple application to view / read the electronic version of the desired books, from the MATRIX ROM offer, on your tablet or phone. You can have any book just by downloading it, and in just a few moments you can start reading it.
BookViewer allows you to read specially edited Matrix Rom books for this application. We have a collection of over 200 books in continuous expansion, covering all our domains.
Download and install the BookViewer application from the Google Play Store – is free.
Buy the book in electronic format either from the matrixrom.ro website or by redirecting from the app.
You will find in your account the file containing the purchased book. Download the file.
Open the book with BookViewer and you can start reading.
Note: The creation of the account on the matrixrom.ro website is necessary for a faster, simpler and permanent access to the books already ordered by you for viewing / reading through Bookviewer or the books you are going to order, for a record of them as well as for access to other options that may be useful to you.
Operating system: Android 8
Internet connection
Note: An internet connection is only required to download the book to your device. later the book can be viewed / read offline.