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Electrical engineering
Environmental Engineering
Chemical process management systems. Applications
Ferromagnetic systems used in industrial automation
Virtual instrumentation. Digital signal processing applications
Bulletin of Romanian Chemical Engineering Society 1/2014
Methods and materials for depollution of heavy metal ion-contaminated water
Oxide matrices reinforced with glass fibers
Catalog 125 – Meteorological, hydrotechnical, water supply and sewerage constructions
Installation Magazine No.2/2016
Regulation of verification and technical expertise of quality of projects, execution of works and constructions
Incursion into infinity near us
Judicial expertise means of proof
Optimized systems for clean energy conversion
LED – Lighting technology. Basics of planning, selection and installation (translated from German by VDE publisher)
Simulation of electrical circuits using PSpice. Laboratory guidelines
The basics of electrical engineering. Electrical circuit theory
Basics of electrical engineering. Circuit simulation using the LTSpice program. Laboratory manual
The electrical part of the power plants and stations. Laboratory guidance
Physics. Mechanics
Structural and magnetic analysis of compounds with rare earths
Mechanical oscillations elastic and acoustic waves
Design and verification of distributed applications
Numerical methods with equivalent programming in C ++, Matlab and Mathcad platforms
Mathcad. Use and applications
MI-5 integrated management treaty for SMEs vol 2
Models for substantiating decisions in the management of the organization
Sustainable development of tourism in coastal areas. Case study tourism development of the Halkidiki peninsula (Greece)
Algebra lessons for the center of excellence
From Euclid to Hilbert. Renaissance
From Euclid to Hilbert. Modern age
Dynamics of railway vehicles
Geometrodynamics of spatio-temporal deformations with applications in astrophysics and cosmology
Basics of metal cutting. Theory and applications
Supervision and control of natural water quality
Dynamics and control of pollutants in the biosphere. Laboratory guidance
Environmental management in railway transport
Cossack Library
Library of the Romanian Mathematical Sciences Society
Information Systems in Ecology
Human-computer interaction
Electrical engineering treaty
Microwave measurement technologies
Wireless process management systems
Advanced Ecology. Monitoring, diagnostics, prognosis vol. 1
Optoelectronics. Laboratory guidance
Materials for electronics and optoelectronics
Optoelectronic measurements. Guidebook
Installation engineering magazine
Synthesis of theoretical and applied mechanics
Magazine of installations - stopped publication in 2020
International Journal of User-System Interaction
Bulletin of Romanian Chemical Engineering Society
Romanian Journal of Civil Engineering
Romanian Journal of Human-Calculator Interaction - stopped publication in 2018
Installation engineering magazine no. 2/2023
Installation engineering magazine no. 4/2023
Installation engineering magazine no. 1/2023
International Journal of User-System Interaction No. 2/2021
International Journal of User-System Interaction No. 2/2019
International Journal of User-System Interaction No. 1/2019
Bulletin of Romanian Chemical Engineering Society 1/2015
Bulletin of Romanian Chemical Engineering Society 1&2/2016
Bulletin of Romanian Chemical Engineering Society 2/2014
Books at 5 lei